Central nervous system acts as a control center of the whole nervous system, It comprises brain and spinal cord.
Human brain is enclosed in a bony skull called Cranium. It consists of billions of inter neurons and is divided into the following parts.
1) Forebrain.
2) Midbrain.
3) Hindbrain.
1) Forebrain.
Forebrain is the largest part of the brain. It consists of three main parts, Cerebrum, Thalamus and Hypothalamus. Cerebrum is the topmost and the largest part of the brain. It is dividd into right and left cerebral hemispheres. Cerebrum controls many actions like thinking, feelings, emotions, seeing, hearing, perceptions, memory, speech, decision making etc.
Inside cerebrum there is small structure called Thalamus. It controls many sensory functions. Hypothalamus lies at the base of thalamus. It controls body temperature, hunger and thirst.
2) Midbrain.
Midbrain is a small part of the brain which is present below the cerebrum. It receives information from sense organs and sends message to appropriate part of the forebrain.
3) Hindbrain.
Hindbrain consists of three parts Cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata. Cerebellum lies under the back part of the cerebrum. It acts as a controller for main taining the body balance and making precise and accurate movements. Pons is an oval structure present beneath the midbrain. It controls many functions like sleep, swallowing, equilibrium, and taste etc.
Medulla Oblongata forms the posterior part of the brain where it is connected with the spinal cord. Medullaoblongata controls heartbeat, breathing and digestion, etc. Medullaoblongata also keeps on working when the rest of the brain goes to sleep.
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